Welcome Back!
We hope you all had a wonderful break! Quarter 3 will be another busy and exciting nine weeks at CCS-America schools. Here are the highlights to look forward to:
Jan. 4 First Day of Quarter 3!
Jan. 11 Report Cards
Jan. 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Jan. 17 100th Day of School
Jan. 18 Maintenance Recognition Day
Jan. 22-28 National School Choice Week
Jan. 23 National Handwriting Day
Jan. 31 2023-2024 Open Enrollment Closes
Feb. 3 Teacher Workday- No School for Students
Feb. 6-24 Registration for FASTAR is Open
Mar. 2 Dr. Seuss Read Across America
Mar. 3 I Can Read Ceremonies
Mar. 10 Teacher Workday- No School for Students
Mar. 13 Spring Break Begins

A Classical Inspiration: Martin Luther King Jr.
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was classically educated. He understood that for people to be truly free, they need to be able to think for themselves. King thoroughly studied the teachings of India’s celebrated civil rights leader, Mahatma Gandhi prior to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which ignited the Civil Rights Movement. Studying others’ works and being an avid reader are two cornerstones of a classical education, which Dr. King embodied. He was also a master of classical rhetoric seen in his speeches and writings. Each day we can honor the memory and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by seeking knowledge and being virtuous, “the goal of a true education!”
Letters from a Birmingham Jail, Dr. MLK Jr.

New Year, Same Pledge
For many, the start of a new calendar year is a time for reflection and new beginnings. It encourages us to re-evaluate how we make choices and spend our time, and helps us prioritize what matters most to us.
At CCS-America, we know New Year’s resolutions can be challenging to maintain. Therefore, to maintain momentum and avoid backsliding, students say our School Pledge every morning. Our Pledge focuses on health, truth, and virtue, so it’s easy to connect your resolutions to our Pledge!
If one of your resolutions this year is to become “physically fit,” provide “charity towards my neighbor,” or even to exemplify “prudence in new undertakings,” our School Pledge can be a daily reminder of your goal. No matter what you decide, we encourage parents to discuss the tenets of the Pledge with their students and how both can apply it to their goals for this year!

Students of the Month
Character education is an important part of the CCS-America curriculum. Each month, students are recognized for displaying a specific character trait that they are not only learning and practicing, but also recite daily in our Pledge.
December’s character trait was Generosity. Students who shows generosity are careful with what they have so they can share with others. Generosity is seen in the School Pledge as “I pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds.” Virtuous students apply these words to their everyday lives and do good for others without seeking anything in return.
Congratulations to all students who demonstrated exemplary generosity. Check them out on the links below!