K-9 Training at CCS-Leland
On Wednesday, August 23rd, the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office and their K-9 trainees ran a practice search at the CCS-Leland Middle School. The dogs sniffed lockers, classrooms, and the courtyards as part of their training.
CCS-Leland’s Assistant Headmaster, Mrs. Crawford, said, ” It was a privilege to host the Brunswick County Sheriff Department K-9 Unit on our campus for their training. We appreciate their continuous support to ensure our campus remains a safe environment for our staff and students.”
CCS-America is always happy to help the community and Sherriff’s department! Plus, all our students and staff love seeing the dogs in action!

Charter Schools in the News
Check out the links below to see what is happening with charter schools throughout the country!
Two members of the North Carolina House of Representatives, John Torbett and Tricia Cotham, were given the 2023 Champion for Charter Schools Award last month for their push for legislation that advances school choice and access to charter schools. Read more here.
A University of Arkansas study has found that charter schools, despite receiving significantly less money than traditional public schools, produce better results. While funding is important, the study confirms that other factors, including curriculum, teaching methods, and charter-school accountability, are more directly responsible for student and school success. Read more here.

Dress for Success
Thank you to all our students and parents who participated in the first Dress for Success Day! It was wonderful to see the confidence and pride each student displayed.
Students will have lots of opportunities to wear their Dress for Success outfits this year. The next optional Dress for Success Day is Thursday, September 21st. Visit ShopRBA.school to get your student’s Dress for Success items!

Students of the Month
Virtue is an important part of CCS-America’s classical curriculum. Each month, students are recognized for displaying a specific character trait that they are not only learning and practicing, but also recite daily in our Pledge.
August’s character trait was Responsibility. Students who are responsible take ownership of their thoughts, words, and actions. Responsibility is seen in the Pledge as “I Pledge to keep myself healthy in body, mind, and spirit.” Students apply these words to their everyday lives by taking care of themselves, doing their best, and fulfilling their duties.
Congratulations to all of these students who demonstrated exemplary responsibility. Check them out on the links below!