Welcome to Quarter 4! 

We hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! This year has flown by, and we are excited to finish the 2023-2024 school year strong! Here are the highlights to look forward to:

What are parents and teachers telling the State about CCS-Leland? Here is the State’s Report. 

Every 10 years, each charter school must go through the NC state renewal process, and it is now CCS-Leland’s turn. Part of this process includes a site visit from personnel of The Office of Charter Schools to review the school’s progress toward meeting its charter’s mission. To get a complete picture of the school, the Office of Charter Schools personnel toured the school and met separately with three groups composed of parents, teaching staff, and administrators. Some of the comments from the renewal board’s site visit report are:

  • “The teachers and administrators have excellent communication with families. Families found that administrators were very accessible, and modes of communication were effective.”
  • “Teachers are responsive to student needs – they provide extra resources to families, tutoring, small groups, and parent conferences to ensure student success and well-being.”
  • ” The school encourages parent and family engagement through events and promoting volunteerism in classrooms.”
  • “Staff are dedicated to school improvement and discussing student progress through the use of data meetings, meeting often with curriculum coaches, and progress meetings.”
  • “School administrators have a long history with the network of schools (Roger Bacon) and have all previously served as teachers and/or assistant administrators within the network. The network intentionally works to provide a pipeline of teacher leadership.”
  • “Administrators and curriculum coaches provide ample support for teaching staff and provide feedback related to instruction on a regular basis.”

Congratulations to all at CCS-Leland for such a glowing report!


Students of the Month

CCS-America students are recognized monthly for displaying a specific character trait from our School Pledge that they not only say but also practice in their daily lives.

March’s character trait was Gratefulness. Students who are grateful show appreciation for what they have and do. Gratefulness is seen in the School Pledge as “I Pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds.” Students apply these words to their everyday lives by appreciating the people in their lives, saying “please and “thank you”, and enjoying what they have.

Congratulations to all of these students who demonstrated exemplary gratefulness. Check them out on the links below!



