Virtue and Vice

A Classical Charter Schools of America education provides students not only with superior knowledge in reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also teaches them right from wrong and the difference between virtue and vice. Virtue, demonstrating high moral standards, is taught through such traditional values as courtesy (opening the door), our dress code, our Character Education program, and valuing respect, discipline, and personal responsibility. Our first Law: reward good behavior, you’ll get more of it, embodies the importance placed on doing what is right. A vice is an immoral behavior. Students explicitly learn about virtue and vice through our classical history program, by reading classical literature, and by analyzing virtues and vices through the RBA Rhetoric Program. Education without teaching goodness is a disservice to parents and students alike.   Click below to hear more about the role of virtue and vice in classical education.

Classical Education Video





CCS-America Keeps Standards High

Standards in grading were found to have a big impact on student achievement, according to a 2020 study of NC test data spanning 11 years by the Fordham Institute. Questions answered by the study include: Do students learn more or less from teachers who have higher grading standards? Are effects of grading standards long-lasting? Which racial subgroups are hurt by higher grading standards? Which income subgroups benefit most from high standards? The Fordham study of over 340,000 NC data points confirms the findings of a 2004 Florida study showing that: High grading standards result in higher student performance The effects are long lasting. All racial subgroups benefit significantly All income subgroups benefit significantly For its 22 years, Classical Charter Schools of America has observed the benefits of its rigorous grading standards. 

Link to Fordham Institute Study 





The Southport Middle School is Open!

6th and 7th grade students at CCS-Southport have moved into their new buildings. As the natural progression from the elementary program, students have the room to challenge themselves with exploratory labs, projects, service learning activities, and more! “We’re so happy to be in our new space! People step through the doors and recognize right away that it is new and shiny. We get a lot of ‘w0w!’ when people see how great it’s turned out,” says Middle School Office Assistant, Ms. Owen. We can’t wait to see the Southport campus continue to grow with the highly anticipated Auditorium expected to be completed in January 2023 and 8th grade coming in the 2023-2024 school year!


Staff Spotlight

Meet the voice of the CCS-America’s Friday Night Message, Ms. Kathy Thompson!