A Trip to the Nao Trinidad

CCS-Leland seventh graders took a trip back in time to the “Trinidad,” a replica of the Spanish ship that was part of Magellan’s fleet of five ships. It set sail in 1519 to circumnavigate the globe and out of the 85 member crew, only five made it back to Spain alive. The replica docked on the Wilmington riverfront from Nov. 17-20.

In addition to the rich history, students received a physics lesson with the ship’s pulleys, levers, windlasses, halyards, compasses, and sextants.

Student Andrew Williams said, “I enjoyed the field trip to the Nao Trinidad because I got to learn about Magellan and his voyage. The most interesting thing that I learned was that the large wheel for steering ships was not invented until the 18th century. In the 16th century, they used a whipstaff, a long pole that you moved to steer the ship.”


Staff Spotlight

Ms. Brandy Powell, CCS-Whiteville’s Lead EC teacher, began her career at a traditional public school in 2004. As an elementary and middle school teacher, she noticed that district schools were not set up for the success of teachers and students. Teachers were to teach the same lessons to all students, regardless of their ability or achievement level, and students were not held to the standards they should be. These issues led to a cycle of the same students falling behind and in trouble.

After a few years of this, Ms. Powell needed time away from teaching. She started a new career but missed students and the classroom setting. In 2014, she decided to gradually return to teaching as a part-time substitute teacher at CCS-Leland. The difference from the traditional public schools she was used to was immediately clear. Students knew what was expected of them and held to high standards; they were divided into groups and classes based on their achievement levels; and teachers had mentors on staff always available to assist them. 

“At CCS-America, we give students a quality education that is achievement based and we teach all students to mastery. This was completely different from what I saw in district schools,” said Ms. Powell.

Click here to continue reading about Ms. Powell and her experience.


Students of the Month

Character education is an important part of the CCS-America curriculum. Each month, students are recognized for displaying a specific character trait that they are not only learning and practicing, but also recite daily in our Pledge.

November’s character trait was Self-Control. Students who show self-control choose to do what is right, even if it is not the easiest choice. Self-control is seen in the Pledge as, “I pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds.” Students apply these words to their everyday lives by being calm and respectful in class, using good manners, and making good decisions.

Congratulations to all of the students who demonstrated exemplary self-control. Check them out on the links below!



