CCS-Wilmington Marches in the Annual MLK Parade

Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington joined the Wilmington community on Monday in the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade.

Students and staff at CCS-Wilmington have participated in this event for nine years in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s birthday is an opportunity to bring people together and pay tribute to the positive changes he brought to our country.

Dr. King was due to visit Wilmington on April 4, 1968, the day he was killed, but postponed his trip to assist striking sanitation workers in Memphis, where he met his untimely death.  


Even the King Bust Follow the Law

In 1215, King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta, or great charter, which placed the king under the rule of law (rather than above it) and documented a series of rights and liberties that for more than 800 years have served as the foundation for individual rights in England and the West. The Magna Carta had a significant influence on America’s founding documents and the concept of Americans’ unalienable rights. CCS-America schools therefore, ensure our students understand the Magna Carta’s importance. Our classical history program spends four days devoted to teaching the Magna Carta. Students learn its significance and its relevancy today. The mini unit culminates in a play where students re-enact King John being forced to sign the Magna Carta by his nobles.

Learn more about the Magna Carta by clicking the links below.

History the Magna Carta in the United Kingdom

The Magna Carta at the United States’ National Archives

CCS-Southport Pictures

Alumni Spotlight

Meet Rebecca Applewhite Hester! Mrs. Hester graduated in 2007 as the salutatorian of the first RBA graduating class and is now working in the pharmaceutical industry.

Mrs. Hester says, “RBA laid the foundation and supplied me with tools that I still reach for fifteen years after my graduation. I am forever indebted to my teachers who ensured I was set up for success and for supplying me with a safe environment to achieve my goals.”

Learn more about Mrs. Hester and how her RBA education has continued to benefit her here!